
This part of SteakSpecialist is going to learn you how everything there is to know about cooking and preparing steak. We show you the ins and outs of this meat and how to prepare it perfectly.

What Is The Red Juice In Steak?

what is the red juice in steak?

If you find yourself becoming a little squeamish about the red juice that’s in your steak, don’t worry, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’re going to answer a popular question we are asked regularly, what is the red juice in steak? In a nutshell, it’s myoglobin. The redness in your steak is …

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How Often Should You Flip A Steak?

how often should you flip a steak

One of the most frequently asked questions about cooking steak is how often should you flip a steak? Some people believe that steak should only be flipped once, and this belief is entirely based on the knowledge transferred to them from their elders, friends, magazines, or cooking shows. These people are of the opinion that …

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